batteries and bad karma::05.12.2008+02:12
Tonight as I was investigating support for my Rio Karma
in Linux, I pressed down on it lightly while it was accessing the drive and it made a horrible whirring noise.
Obviously, this was not a good sign, so I looked at the case more carefully and lightly tried it again.
Same thing. The case seemed to be bulging slightly at the bottom, and I knew that it had never made these
sounds before, so I did what any concerned, out-of-warranty product owner would. I disassembled it.
As it turns out (and as can be seen in the picture to the right) the battery was bulging. This is the
second most common issue to plague this device, the first being a broken hard drive. So, I’m kinda lucky,
as it seems that Hitachi isn’t making the IDE interface drives that this uses anymore. I bought a replacement
battery on eBay and well, I’ll see how things go once it comes.
part of a balanced breakfast::03.09.2008+23:56
Over the recent holiday break, I began writing a synthesizer. Mostly it was out of wanting to learn how, and also just because I thought it’d be a fun time. It finally has support for MIDI input and some rudimentary documentation. It’s actually two components, libwaffle, which is the actual modular synthesizer, and a frontend called Breakfast. Waffle came out of my needing something for the ScoreCode interpreter I wrote to power, and it’s the core of Breakfast. It’s a modular synthesizer that offers enough modules to do interesting things, although it could probably use more. It also doesn’t allow for feedback loops as the final module graph needs to be a DAG that feeds into a single output module. Waffle outputs to a single Jack output port, although that might change in the future.
Breakfast is an interactive environment for working with Waffle. It has textual commands for managing patches and the linking of parameters to actual events. It uses ALSA for MIDI, and is pretty robust. Patches are programmed in Lua and loaded at runtime. The essential idea is that Breakfast makes Waffle actually useful.
Right now, neither is available on the project wiki. They’re both in states that I’d rather not have in the wild, not to mention that I haven’t come up with licenses to use for either. As far as I know, there’s only one person who’s getting a copy of both, and he’s also part of the reason why I coded them. If you can’t live without having a copy of it, then e-mail me and I’ll send you GPL licensed versions of both.
ode to interpreters::12.12.2007+04:10
Throughout my life, I’ve learned and used a great number of programming languages. That list as it stands now is something like BASIC, C, C++, C#, Java, Haskell, Lua, Oz/Mozart, Pascal, PHP, Prolog, Python, Scheme, Visual Basic, and probably a few that I’ve forgotten. Over time, I’ve come to the conclusion that (no, don’t kill me, it’s not what you think) BASIC is one of the greatest languages ever created. Why, you might ask? Well, for one, it’s an interpreted language. That means that error messages and program results are produced much faster than with compiled languages (no, really, it’s still true today). BASIC also has rather potent string processing (for being what it is) and a good library of base functionality. What this lends to the language is the ability to be used as a RAD platform for algorithms and problem solving, and that is exactly how the high school I went to managed to win the WNEC High School programming competition so many times. Other teams would use C, C++, or Java, and we’d be cranking away on the BASIC (maybe Pascal if we needed data structures), and we’d be done a good hour before everyone else. Why? Because it didn’t take 45 seconds for it to tell us we mistyped something.
Enough nostalgia though. Even though I’m somewhat older and somewhat wiser, I still use interpreted languages for prototyping. Although, my weapon of choice is now Lua (which if you know me will just make you groan… but it really is a great language). The fact that I can forget about the type of numbers if I’m prototyping something mathematical, the fact that I can make pretty much any data structure and not worry about pointer issues, and the fact that errors are returned rather quickly (although not until it encounters them) just makes it so much more worth it to use than the language that I’d eventually be writing the final program in (if that’s the case). I know that there are a lot of people that feel this way about their own favorite interpreted/scripting language, and this is exactly the way it should be. Everyone who has to do any sort of processing work with computers, or any sort of scripting or parsing, or any other ordinary, every-day computerized task should learn and use scripting languages. It’s worth it that much. Whether you want to use Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, or some other language is irrelevant. Just do yourself a favor and make life easier: let go of the shackles that compiled languages bind you in, and start enjoying programming again (or for the first time).
keeping up with things::11.24.2007+01:47
I’ve finally gotten around to posting photos from my trip to Bar Harbor, Maine with my family in August. Some of them are pretty random, and some are pretty nifty. go check them out.
screaming into the darkness::11.22.2007+04:12
So, it has been about a month since I launched the shout experiment, and I figured that I should say something. I feel mildly reluctant to do this, but well, it’s not that bad to talk about it. Anyway, shout started out as a simple idea and an ache of mine to make a page that was very “Web 2.0”-ish (ugh) with rounded corners and whatnot. In some ways, the experiment is a jab at the ways in which the Internet makes us more disconnected socially.
The basic idea behind the project, is that everyone is anonymous, and they are given 100 characters every 12 hours to say whatever they want. It’s a basic exercising in brief of First Ammendment rights (at least in the United States). There is one request that I put forth, and that was that people couldn’t say stuff that had names or was considered defamation. I didn’t and don’t expect these to be followed. They’re merely guidelines. There is mild censorship, but in reality, it’s weak and there’s only one word that I really censor. Not that it matters anyway. Also, I know now about Post Secret. I had no clue that it even existed when I started this. So, I don’t particularly take kindly to people that point out similarities and what not, mostly because I am fully aware of them and don’t care to be reminded.
Anyway, on to the juicy stuff. The psychological impact that it has upon the people that use it. This information is from my own observations and from metagaming with some of the people that use it daily. The first observation, is that the current relatively small userbase causes a sense of paranoia in the users because of human nature to try to make things fit in places they don’t. Another thing is finding meaning that isn’t there. Some of the shouts are actually replies, and some just seem like them. Attempting to find any real correlation between two given shouts is ill-advised. I will admit to having posted responses just to say things opposite of what the expected answer is. Mostly, the general feeling that comes with the site is that it’s not a community at all. It really might as well be a Markov chain generator. Or course, there’s that whole possibility of interaction between users, so it’s a little different.
Overall, I think it’s been interesting. I’m looking for directions in which to take this before it ends in late May. I may just switch it over to my hosting provider rather than taking it entirely offline. In the meantime, I’m going to try to come up with nifty stuff to enhance the experience. One last thought, is that this would work better with a much larger user base and an available count of users because that’d reduce/eliminate paranoia.