photos, updates, random stuff ::

photos, updates, random stuff::06.07.2014+19:27

I got a new camera and had started messing around with flickr again, but I realized after a few weeks of posting photos to it that I should probably find a suitable web gallery, install it here, and put my photos there. So, that’s exactly what I did. Just to get things rolling, I uploaded my existing photos pretty much raw. I’m planning on spending some time and organizing things into albums and renaming the photos. I’m also planning on re-theming the site. The software I settled on is called piwigo and it’s pretty competent, supoorting both themes and extensions (And multiple users if you’re into that).

I also decided that having a front page where I post random, meta news about the site was pretty silly, so I’ve pulled the blog to the front and retired the old front page. This means that the rss feed now has a new location.

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