waffle, etc…::06.24.2009+00:55
There’s a whole bunch of new pictures in the photos section, which I will probably end up posting about sometime in the future. Work is continuing on playing and beating awesome games, but it’s slow going right now.
Better than all of that, was that I finally got some time to sit down with my horrible, crappy, modular synth: waffle and start improving it. I think it’s a neat piece of software for exactly two reasons: 1) it proves that modular synthesizers (and audio software in general) aren’t that hard to write and 2) that jack has a really sweet API. Granted, it’s sometimes hard to get audio software right, but if you’re just looking for something good enough, you might be able to write it yourself. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up my motivation and get around to writing a gui (rather than an insane command-prompt-thingy). That’s it for now.