day three: pickles::07.28.2008+19:13
Part of the joy of being an intern comes from having hour limits for a given pay period. I recently managed to get myself a six day weekend due to the aforementioned limits, and this is day three.
Today, I made some pickles. They’re from a fantastic recipe that my Grandmother got from her sister-in-law back in ‘77. They’re a really quick and easy to make half-sour that starts out pretty mild but becomes much more with age. The recipe’s pretty unspecific so one can play around with it to get what they want. One note is that this is for making a one-gallon jar, if making more, make more brine.
Hurry-Up Half-Sours
- 7 1/2 cups water
- 1 cup vinegar
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup kosher salt
- 2 heads of dill
- garlic, peeled
- pickling spice
- whole pepper
In a gallon jar, combine dill, garlic, pickling spice, and whole pepper. Slice cucumbers as desired and pack into jar. Bring the brine ingredients to a boil in a large pot and allow to cool to room temperature. Pour brine over the cucumbers, cap the jar and let sit for 24 - 48 hours at room temperature. Place in refrigerator. Will keep for weeks.